We’ve just turned 4 years old. That’s 4 years of creating nature-inspired messages with care for our clients.
Right now, we’re faced with challenges no one could have foreseen only a few short months ago. But while there’s a lot of uncertainty linked to COVID-19, there are some things we remain SURE of. It’s these 4 reasons (1 for each year since our launch) of things we’re really grateful for:
1. Our loyal clients:
Most of our clients have journeyed with us since our launch in 2016. And we worked alongside many even prior to our launch. For LoveGreen, it’s the ability to work with those who inspire us, who care deeply about the things we care about, and who act with honour and integrity.
2. Inspirational projects
Not only are our clients loyal; most are also involved in inspiring and fantastic projects and work. These are the people who protect critically endangered landscapes, waterscapes and wildlife, who help to prevent wildfires, who fill South Africa’s food baskets (from free-range food to sustainable farming), and who share our countryside with tourists.
And we get to be part of this work, helping to bring about positive change and impact.
3. Expansion
And we mean growth in more ways than one. We’ve grown the LoveGreen team this past year. At the same time, we keep growing and developing our skills, to keep up to date on new technology and trends.
In an ever changing world and environment, staying on top of these communications trends – especially in the digital realm – is important. We’re always eager to learn more. And we are thankful to have been part of these wonderful growth opportunities so far.
4. And of course, nature
We’re not called LoveGreen without good reason. We get to work with what we truly love – our natural world. Through our clients, we have access to rare and beautiful species, to new findings in nature, to the latest research. It’s more than a job – it’s a lifestyle. For us, being excited, surprised and amazed by nature is the essence of LoveGreen.
Adrianne brings her content writing and graphic design skills to the LoveGreen team. She covers both the green and the brown – having worked in both the environmental and agricultural sectors. And she gets to enjoy this combo everyday, living on a glorious farm in the Overberg.
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Email: hello@lovegreen.co.za | Phone: 072 8848 468