A digital meeting place for agriculture


Times are pretty tough in the agricultural sector.

The latest economic stats capture this: the sector fell by 29.2% in the second quarter of the year. It’s a key reason South Africa is once again in recession now.

So it’s never been more important for agriculture to come together – to share, discuss and seek solutions to the challenges.

And this was exactly the brief provided to the LoveGreen team in working with the Bredasdorp Park website.


The aim? To create a digital platform to bring agriculture together – to be the digital ‘touch-point’ where the agricultural industry could connect with each other.

Bredasdorp Park also plays this role as a venue: it’s the home of NAMPO Cape.

Here the GrainSA team and partners bring the Bothaville NAMPO Harvest Day to the Cape – to reach this vital industry in the Western Cape and beyond. The NAMPO get-together in the Free State is one of the biggest such exhibitions in the southern hemisphere.

So it was a pretty big deal for LoveGreen to be involved in creating this digital space. The digital platforms had to encourage the local community to get excited, and involved with the Park. And be a space for farmers, corporates and others involved in the landscape to showcase their offerings.

The Bredasdorp Park website and social media are now being managed and run internally by the awesome Park team.

But as LoveGreen, we are proud to stay in touch – and will of course be at the NAMPO Cape event.

“In the meantime, good luck to Bredasdorp Park and GrainSA to pull together this big event; it’s such an important place for agriculture to reconnect and be re-inspired during difficult times.”



Heather is our content writer. She enjoys helping our clients formulate their message and loves to run her way across beautiful mountains, to explore new places and is always ready for an adventure.

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