Creating a digital home for people who love plants.

See, smell and touch this new website. Even if you’re not a plant lover, you‘ll be intrigued by the beauty and diversity of the special indigenous plants of South Africa. And on BotSoc’s brand new website, you can learn about them, how to grow them, get involved in protecting them and best of all – enjoy them! 

The Botanical Society of South Africa is an organisation that offers its members (citizen scientists, amateur nature enthusiasts, the general public and environmental experts) the opportunity to connect with our natural heritage, and be part of the solutions to biodiversity challenges across South Africa.


This organisation was established in 1913 and therefore has a rich history. But it was time to rethink their brand, to better connect and communicate with active and new members and make the most of new technology, like moving over to digital membership cards via Webtickets.

LoveGreen was part of the process to assess the BotSoc brand, and design a new logo – crafting the Protea repens design into a modern but recognisable logo.

To ensure that the branding was used consistently, Jeanette from LoveGreen compiled an intricate corporate identity manual, and incorporated the new design throughout BotSoc’s communication material. The members loved the special BotSoc umbrellas that were presented at the 2019 AGM – perfect for a rainy day in any of SANBI’s National Botanical Gardens

Further designs included gazebos for member events, banners for BotSoc branches, clothing and signage, as well as a 1-page fold-over annual report.

“Having worked on our branding LoveGreen has carried this through the visual aspects of the website expressing the vitality and dynamic nature of our various activities associated to our mission and cleverly aligned that to our tagline; “Know, Grow, Protect and Enjoy South Africa’s indigenous plants” as a golden thread holding our story together. LoveGreen has approached this project with absolute finesse and professionalism.”

– Antonia Debarros, General Manager, BotSoc

The BotSoc membership website was a fantastic team effort. And it gives us great joy every time we take a look at it.

The website was developed by LoveGreen, and the BotSoc team supplied the content. With the combined efforts of so many incredible nature photographers like Rupert Koopman, Eugene Moll, Ethan Newman, Zoë Poulsen and many others, it was possible to really make the plants pop online. South Africa has 8 biomes that BotSoc covers, so we balanced the visuals to include all of them – and not just fynbos. The branch pages were really fun to create, and they show off the different personalities of the 16 BotSoc branches, and what makes each one special.

The result? A visual plant paradise, made for the enjoyment of its members, and a place for plant people to connect.

The look and feel of the website pulls in the new BotSoc branding in a bold way. Here different shades of green and red work together, incorporating the triangular designs from the logo itself, to highlight visual elements. The menu was developed for ease of use, and to help members navigate their way easily.

Many members are experts in the conservation and botany fields. That’s why the BotSoc website is a wonderful resource with the latest plant information. The BotSoc blog is divided into accessible sections, with conservation and member’s news featured on the home page, and the rest of the blog posts are categorised into know, grow, protect and enjoy categories. Part of the website development included transferring a large number of older blog posts, and we focused on making the blog posts visual, easy to read and to share (on social media and other platforms) and a place for visitors to leave comments.

Veld & Flora magazine feature

During lockdown, the printing and delivery of the Veld & Flora magazine was affected. BotSoc adapted by featuring the latest magazine issues online. Special requirements included password protection (so that only members can access it), a practical display, the option to download/print and many others. The Real3D Flipbook plugin was used for this – check it out here.

Our thanks to the BotSoc team: Toni, Marinda, Jo-Anne, Zoë, Rupert, Patricia, Simone, Chrystal, Matthew, Eugene, the BotSoc Council and branch chairs.

It is an absolutely amazing website. Congratulations to all involved.   Wow Wow Wow.”

– Hedwig Slabig, West Coast branch chair and BotSoc council member

LoveGreen has collaborated with various contributors within the Botanical Society and put together a beautifully styled website which provides a window to our organization.  Well thought through design cues throughout link the various aspects that we aim to communicate on with our current and  potential members as well as the broader public.  The website captures the essence of what BotSoc is and it has enhanced our accessibility.

Antonia Debarros, General Manager, BotSoc

“Well done Tina, Jo and all involved in putting together the beautiful and functional website that will be a great asset for us to grow the Society in the years ahead, and maximise opportunities for everyone around the country to get actively involved!”

– Caroline Petersen, BotSoc council member

Tina uses her knowledge of all that is digital, and combine it with her love for nature and beautiful things – colours, leaves, petals and patterns. She is our website developer. When is she is not in front of her computer, you might find her out in her food garden, growing organic vegetables and flowers. Or out exploring the fynbos and Renosterveld around the Kogelberg area. 

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LoveGreen is more than the name of our team.
It is

… a philosophy.

  … a daily choice. 

    … a deep respect for nature. 

    … a way of life.

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