If you’re active on social media (yes, pretty much any social media platform), then listen up. Hashtags offer you a way to reach your chosen audience (to share your message).
That makes them a really handy tool for any brand. But even if you know all about hashtags, the question is: Are you using them correctly? And are you gaining the right reach through your creative hashtags?

To answer these questions, we pulled together some of our experience and research, to guide your use of hashtags.
So here are 4 quick tips to help you best reach your audience:
1. Always remember the fundamentals of #’s
For hashtags to work properly, there are a couple of fundamental rules to remember. For example, there must be spaces between your hashtags. That means #nature#conservation won’t work (it’s #nature #conservation). Symbols don’t work – so don’t waste your time including them. Sometimes capital letters make all the difference. When Margaret Thatcher died, the trending hashtag was: #Nowthatcherisdead. However, this started the belief that singer Cher had died. You can avoid this through some crafty capitals: #NowThatcherIsDead.
And of course, make sure your spelling is always correct!

2. What’s trending at the moment?
Hashtags have a way of carrying a campaign or targeting a specific audience. So why not research the hashtags that people/brands are using right now? For instance, wedding planners use #WeddingTipWednesday, whereas conservationists look at special days, such as #WorldEnvironmentDay. This way, you’ll stay up to date and connect with your specific audience.

3. Get to the point
Instead of spamming your readers/followers, focus your hashtags so that they make sense and will actually work. It annoys the eye when there are 30 hashtags underneath your text. So think clearly, be specific and get to the point with your hashtags.
Remember: For Facebook and Twitter, less is more. So we recommend around two to three hashtags. Instagram is a bit different, and you can get away with more hashtags here. But the moment it starts looking overkill, then cut them down.

4. Make sure you know the meaning of the hashtag before using it
You wouldn’t want to connect your content with a campaign that may be negative or offensive to your audience. So take the time to look into the hashtag that you’re planning to use, to make sure it aligns with your vision or the campaign you’re running.

Everyday new trends pop-up. So keep an eye on the latest techniques to be sure you remain on point. For the time being, at least, it’s making the hashtag your friend and using it wisely.
Not sure how to get your message across on social media?
LoveGreen can assist with planning and implementing a social media strategy for your organisation or business. Let’s talk to discuss your specific needs.
Adrianne is our social media queen. She’s a creative and a planner. But her real inspiration comes from engaging with people. And where better than on the social media platforms.
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