Showing the value of biosphere living: The Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve


What does it mean to live in a biosphere reserve? And why does it matter? 


The Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve is the oldest biosphere reserve in the country. It was registered in 1998 with considerable interest, and a lot of pressure. All eyes turned to this beautiful part of the world, situated all along the Cape coast from Gordon’s Bay to Hermanus, including the inland towns of Botriver and Grabouw, to see how biosphere living here would evolve.

Over the years this biosphere achieved a lot. As leadership and structures changed, however, it also became necessary to change and update its digital presence.

And so the LoveGreen team became involved, to create a new space for the Biosphere Reserve online.

The goal was to reignite excitement around biosphere living and to remind residents of this incredibly special part of the world.

Why is it so special? The Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve is seen as the heart of the Cape Floral Kingdom and also includes a stretch of a marine protected area. This makes it important for all residents to not only know they’re living in a biosphere reserve, but to find ways to live sustainably, in order to benefit both people and the natural world.

The Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve had a lot in place already – including a striking logo which features one of the special fynbos species that occurs in the area, the Marsh Rose (Orothamnus zeyheri).

This gave the LoveGreen team the base to work off for the website’s look and feel: we used the striking red of the Marsh Rose petals, combined with shades of green, as captured in the logo. These colours were splashed throughout the site.

The website focuses on what it means to live in a biosphere reserve – via the #BiosphereLiving theme that serves as the golden thread throughout the site.

This focus is not only meant to highlight the natural world, but also the incredible people who live here – who are doing their bit to make the biosphere an even better place.

In fact, this theme served as a great excuse for members of the LoveGreen team to head to the region, to capture its uniqueness on camera for the website and social media. No mountain was too high, nor hike too long! And we’re not done yet filling up our gallery of Biosphere Reserve photos.

But the site also doesn’t shy away from important and often challenging themes. These themes, such as poaching, wildfire and land invasions, are addressed across the various platforms hosted by the biosphere.

LoveGreen was also tasked with reigniting the Facebook platform, and launching the biosphere on Instagram. The latter is an obvious home for them, given the wide range of photos available. Those photos not taken by our keen LoveGreen snappers are taken by incredibility talented photographers that live here, such as Jenny Parsons and Alice Notten.

While the website is now in place, LoveGreen’s reasons to visit the area are still very much in play – as often as possible, as we continue to immerse ourselves in this wonderful part of the world.

“Looking for an organisation who understands conservation and nature, and at the same time deliver a personal and professional service, you need not look further than LoveGreen!! We decided on using them after looking at a number of other service providers, and are very satisfied with the website upgrade. We continue to make use of their services!!”


Heather is our content writer. She enjoys helping our clients formulate their message and loves to run her way across beautiful mountains, to explore new places and is always ready for an adventure.

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