Marketing your conservation cause? You’re likely to want to connect up with other global conservation drives, to work together to increase awareness for your particular project.


That means knowing when relevant environmental causes run their campaigns, and planning your own campaign around those dates.

For the LoveGreen team, we’ve highlighted those conservation dates that are our most important, and which offer a nice platform for a conservation communications campaign. Here’s hoping they help you too:

January 2021

20 January: Penguin Awareness Day

February 2021

2 February: World Wetlands Day – Wetlands and water

15 February: World Whale Day, World Hippo Day

27 February: World NGO day

March 2021

3 March: World Wildlife Day – Forests and livelihoods: sustaining people and planet“

15 – 22 March: South Africa Water Week

18 March: World Recycling Day

21 March: International Day of Forests

22 March: World Water Day – “Valuing water”

27 March: Earth Hour – “Digital switch off”

April 2021

13 April: International Plant Appreciation Day 

22 April: Earth Day – “Restore our earth”

May 2021

20 May: World Bee Day

21 May: Endangered Species Day

22 May: International Day for Biological Diversity

June 2021: Environment Month

5 June: World Environment Day – “Biodiversity”

8 June: World Oceans Day

15 June: Nature Photography Day

22 June: World Rainforest Day

July 2021: Plastic-Free Month

3 July: International Plastic Bag Free Day

10 July: Don’t Step on a Bee Day

11 July: World Population Day

14 July: Shark Awareness Day

September 2021

21 September: International Coastal Cleanup Day

16 September: International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer

22 September: World Rhino Day

27 September: World Tourism Day, World Rivers Day 

October 2021: Marine Month

4 October: World Animal Day

5 October: World Habitat Day

7 – 11 October: National Marine Week

10 October: African Penguin Day

21 October: Reptile Awareness Day

November 2021

17 November: Take a Hike Day

21 November: World Fisheries Day

27 November: Birding Big Day

30 November: Giving Tuesday

December 2021

4 Dec: World Wildlife Conservation Day

5 December: World Soil Day

11 December: International Mountain Day

Heather is our content writer. She enjoys helping our clients formulate their message and loves to run her way across beautiful mountains, to explore new places and is always ready for an adventure.

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It is

… a philosophy.

  … a daily choice. 

    … a deep respect for nature. 

    … a way of life.

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