Our minds, and hearts, are on the go – all the time.
We capture our ideas here.
This is really our spot to journal, and our space to share. But it’s not just our thoughts – we’ll share your great and exciting ideas and thoughts too. Just get in touch with us.

Bringing the arid zone to life online
The arid zone of South Africa may sound devoid of life – but in fact quite the opposite is true. The arid and semi-arid regions are home to incredible biodiversity. And that’s one of the reasons why the Arid Zone Ecology Forum works – as a partnership

Take a foray into these four favourite forests
There’s no shortage of news on the loss of forests around the world. And there’s no doubt this is an important story that needs to be told. But on International Day of Forests, there are also many incredible forests in South Africa that are protected.

The wonders of the Whale Trail
Don’t think of the Whale Trail as a five-day hike. Rather see this incredible trail as five very different landscape experiences. There’s no shortage of information available on this incredible hike, created by CapeNature, taking you over the Potberg mountain and into the

Showing the value of biosphere living: The Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve
The Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve is the oldest biosphere reserve in the country. It was registered in 1998 with considerable interest, and a lot of pressure. All eyes turned to this beautiful part of the world, situated all along the Cape coast from Gordon’s Bay to Hermanus

Wild cycads: protecting the world’s most threatened plant species
From an ancient lineage, the cycad species evolved and adapted to life in forest, savanna, grassland and semi desert habitats. They have incredible resilience – but despite this, they are now one of the most

The 2022 digital trends we’re simply loving
To help you plan for the year, we’ve highlighted some website, social media and content trends we’re excited about. They may offer you and your brand opportunities too.

Kirstenbosch Plant Fair: Cape Town’s biggest indigenous plant fair
This was a first for the Kirstenbosch branch of the Botanical Society: hosting their annual Kirstenbosch Plant Fair ONLINE. Following the onset of the second wave of Covid infections in the Western Cape

Fynbos fish: Swimming on the edge of extinction
How to tell the story of ancient fish species, the secretive streams in which they live… and the incredible conservation work of THIS Trust. That was the brief from the Fynbos Fish Trust to LoveGreen in order to develop their digital platforms.

Your 2021 environmental calendar: Dates for your conservation campaign
Every year, we compile a list of the important environmental days coming up over the next year. And 2021 is no different. These days can offer great awareness-raising opportunities for your organisation – whether you host a

Get to know, grow, protect and enjoy, with BotSoc
See, smell and touch this new website. Even if you’re not a plant lover, you‘ll be intrigued by the beauty and diversity of the special indigenous plants of South Africa. And on BotSoc’s brand new website, you can learn about them, how to grow them, get involved

‘n Kwaliteit webtuiste vir ‘n kwaliteit produk
AJ du Toit en sy familie boer in die Rûens area in die Overberg, en is die 4de generasie op die plaas. Oor die jare het AJ al hoe meer ontevrede geword met die kwaliteit van die beskikbare vleis, wat vol hormone en antibiotika was.

4 social media trends to keep you ahead of the game
You’re busy running your own business. There’s not much time to stay on top of all the latest changes in the world of social media. Problem is – things are changing. ALL THE TIME. And to top it all, social media isn’t going

What ‘green’ do you choose? It’s all about colour psychology
The colours you choose are vital in determining how you will be perceived by partners, customers and competitors. Colour evokes feelings and connects emotion to your brand. So the colours they see will influence their

Agriculture: Where are the good news stories?
There’s no shortage of bad news. Even in the agricultural sector in South Africa. Like landowners dealing with a changing climate. And uncertainty in the political and economic outlook of the country. The Western Cape Department of Agriculture, LandCare

Going digital: The story of one stud farmer who made the switch
Wynand du Toit, owner of the Suidplaas Dohne stud in the Overberg, has a fantastic story to tell. He has the largest Dohne-Merino stud in South Africa. He has attained the world record price for his Dohnes …

Going on holiday? Here are 9 tips to keep your site safe
You’re on holiday for the festive season. So the last thing you’re likely to want to do is have to keep a constant eye on your website. There are ways to minimise your risk – and your worry levels – before you close down for a festive break.

Thousands of tones of green: Grootvaderbosch
We’re inspired by nature. By seeing her colours, feeling her textures. Hearing the sound of a bird of prey (have you heard the Jackal Buzzard? It’s one of our favourites). So we loved experiencing the thousands of tones of green in the Grootvadersbosch Conservancy recently.

Words matter: Why subtle word changes can inspire big action
Words have power. Every minute, spoken and written words change the way we think, which influences our choices and actions, and inevitably impacts the people and world around us.

POPIA: Things to bear in mind
The Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) aims to protect your personal information. The act has a name for you: a data subject, which refers to customers or people on an email database, as one example. This is important for any organisation

Phillipskop Reserve and a string of fantastical events
Chris took us for a guided hike over the reserve. But the sightings and experiences were unusual, and unlike any we’d experienced before. Perhaps the biggest difference was the number of things to see – from flora, to fauna, to history, in the space of

Voel Afrika se hartklop: Die beste van Botswana
Wanneer die grondpaaie en afgeleë plekke jou naam roep, is dit tyd om die lang pad te vat na Botswana vir ‘n Afrika avontuur. Ons het onlangs 5 natuurreservate en nasionale parke in Botswana besoek. Paspoort: afgemerk. Kamptoerusting: afgemerk.

Happy hiking ideas to amaze you this spring
Keen to try out a few new hiking routes? That’s why, every available weekend, we head into the mountains and landscapes in the Western Cape of South Africa. To test the routes for you (well – that’s not the only reason we hike).

Bringing forests and fynbos to life – online…
How to make some of the most secretive and beautiful forests and fynbos come alive online? That was the brief from the Grootvaderbosch Conservancy to the LoveGreen team, to create their new website. The Grootvaderbosch Conservancy covers

When the spotlight falls on LoveGreen
It’s our job to put our clients, and their amazing work, up in lights. So when the spotlight falls on us – well, we feel a little bashful, and of course very proud. The LoveGreen team featured in the Janus – the official newspaper of the Stellenbosch

Why this website was all about simplicity
How do you capture the essence of a landscape initiative? (And what exactly is that?) Well, that was our brief: make the Agulhas Biodiversity Initiative come alive digitally for partners (and make sense for those who don’t know the organisation).

5 reasons why the Hottentots Holland mountains should call you
The Hottentots Holland mountains are just a short trip from Cape Town. They’re part of a lush, fynbos-covered mountain range that stretches for about 70,000 hectares. They form part of a CapeNature reserve with the same name.

#DidYouKnow: Fun facts about snorkeling with seals
We discovered the Cape Town Bucket List adventures – and took to the ocean to experience snorkeling with seals. So following a safety briefing at the Hout Bay Harbour, where the adventure starts with the Cape Town Bucket List team (Archie, Ian and Mel) we hopped into our wetsuits, and took the 10-minute boat ride out to Duiker Island.
LoveGreen is more than the name of our team.
It is

Email: hello@lovegreen.co.za | Phone: 072 8848 468